ロンメディカル 医療相談

ロンメディカル | EN | Medical Consultation Procedure

Ron Medical has professional staffs who are familiar with the procedures of medical institutions in Japan, and is always in coordination with doctors and medical institutions, so we can support medical consultations after traveling to Japan smoothly.

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Receive Inquiry

・ Please contact us from Ron Medical's inquiry form 【Contact Us】

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Provide Second Opinion

・ The doctor of Ron Medical consults about the treatment contents of hope and your medical information
  Please provide your doctor's medical certificate, test result report, diagnostic imaging picture, video, etc.

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Introduce Medical Institutions and Present Estimated Estimated Costs

・ Select the most suitable medical institution based on the result of the second opinion and the person's preference and condition, and show the estimated cost in total
  Including second opinion costs, medical expenses at medical institutions, security expenses, etc.

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Start Coordination

・ After agreeing to the treatment method and the estimated cost presented and our provision service, we will start preparing for the outpatient reservation at the  medical institution and the method of staying in Japan.

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Confrim Payment

・ Payment confirmation of the total estimated cost
  You will be required to pay Ron Medical in full the agreed costs while preparing for admission
  After receiving the cost to Ron Medical, we will confirm the treatment reservation at the medical institution.

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Final Adjustment and Travel Support

・ Support for medical institutions, interpretation arrangements, and consultation after entering Japan

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Medical Treatment Support at Medical Institutions

・ Support during outpatient visit and hospitalization period
  During medical treatment, Ron Medical's doctor will support you to feel relieved

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
End of Treatment and Return Home

・ Settlement of medical expenses and support until leave Japan
  Based on the cost you paid in advance, we will settle it while presenting the actual treatment cost
  We will also support your stay after treatment so that you can return home with confidence.
  With regard to medical treatment, it is possible for Ron Medical's doctors to provide support even after returning home if there is any future anxiety

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Receive Inquiry

・ Please contact us from Ron Medical's inquiry form 【Contact Us】

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Start Consultation

・ Consulting about appropriate inspection contents and consultation facilities based on purpose and desired contents
  We would like to discuss if you would like a general medical checkup, or a medical checkup for cancer.

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Introduce Medical Institutions and Present Estimated Estimated Costs

・ We present consultation facilities and approximate cost

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ

・ After agreeing to the contents and our provided service, the application will be officially applied when you pay Ron Medical the entire cost in advance.

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Final Adjustment and Travel Support

・ Support medical checkup after entring Japan

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Returning home assistance after medical checkup

・ The medical checkup results are also confirmed by Ron Medical doctors and returned responsibly
  The results of the medical checkup will also be confirmed by an exclusive doctor of Ron Medical.
  Upon your request, we can also make a comprehensive assessment of your health support and your next health check.

ロンメディカル 問い合わせ
Medical Treatment Support at Medical Institutions

・ Support during outpatient visit and hospitalization period
  During medical treatment, Ron Medical's doctor will support you to feel relieved

1. If you would like a second opinion, please consult with your doctor and consider the treatment continuation after returning home.

2. There are potential risks that may affect the long flight and stay in Japan depending on the medical condition. Therefore, please consider having any medical treatment in Japan after fully recognizing it.

3. When making inquiries about treatment with Ron Medical, please send as much of the patient's own medical information as possible.

4. Please be sure to check with patient's own responsibility for the contents of the treatment expenses and other expenses.

5. Ron Medical's services are prepaid, after we provide you an estimate of the cost upon consultation.

6. If there is a difference between the result of a medical examination presented by Ron Medical and the medical information presented earlier by the patient, there may be a change in the estimated cost presented before the trip, or please be aware that you may not receive treatment.

7. During treatment in Japan,  you must follow the instructions of your health care provider and follow the rules of the medical institution you are visiting.

8. All documents presented by Ron Medical should be agreed by the patient who has confirmed and understood the contents. Please make a trip only after confirming the payment of expenses.